Feed Your Spirit, Free Your Mind

Religion is a topic I usually shy away from. Not because 
I don't enjoy discussing it and learning about it (because 
I really do) but because people get offended in a hurry. 
I grew up one of a handful of Catholics in a very protestant
town in the deep south. I went to church services with my
friends of all different denominations and I think these
experiences really shaped my spirit; I embrace diversity.

I remember Girl Scout Sunday being one of my favorite troop
outings because it was so fascinating to learn about different
churches and different ways to worship. I'd never realized
there was more than one way to pray..........

Probably my favorite way.

On one particular Sunday in the 3rd grade, I went with
my fellow Girl Scouts to a little white church way out in 
the country. I will never forget the SHOCK I experienced
when a member of the congregation shouted "Amen!" 
during the Southern Baptist preacher's sermon. I thought 
for sure he was senile and felt so embarrassed for his wife. 

Eventually it occurred to me that the members of this church
probably thought I was bonkers for praying to saints and
saying the Hail Mary. Over the years I became more and 
more intrigued by the study of religion and I read every
religious book I could get my hands on.

In my experiences I've encountered many people who
were convinced that the particular church they belonged 
to was the one and only way to achieve a golden ticket to
a sweet afterlife and that all others were doomed. I tend 
to respectfully disagree. It saddens me to hear people 
bash entire religions and hide behind ignorance.

In my travels, I've been to dozens of
Buddhist Temples, a Voodoo Ceremony, 
a few Hindu Temples, a Cao Dai Church, 
two Shinto Shrines, a Taoist Temple, 
and a Ceremony of Candomble.
I have friends that are Christian, Mormon, Buddhist, 
Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, and Atheist.

I like to think that religion only gets harry because of the audacity of man. People have been persecuted and murdered since the dawn of time for different spiritual beliefs, and to me it's an incredibly bizarre concept. Corruption is present wherever man is found. 

I get that many sects believe that it is their obligation 
to save the souls of others. One evangelical friend
explained it to me this way: "If you were trapped
in a burning building, I'd go in to save you. Right now 
I see your soul headed for the fires of hell, and I'm 
here to save you." So that's why strangers interrupt my lunch 
to pray over me and Jehovah's witnesses knock on my door 
at 8 am on a Saturday! Ok, I can respect that. Even though it's incredible awkward/inconvenient I'm not going to be 
rude because you are trying to save me from damnation... 
but I'd like my coffee first.

I like the fact that every Sunday I shake hands with 
friends and strangers and say, "peace be with you."
I hope there is something in your belief system that makes 
you feel the way I do when I say those words.

Source URL: http://joshhamiltonblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/feed-your-spirit-free-your-mind.html
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